Two Cheap Alternatives to Expensive Craft Cutting Machines
Let me guess. You’ve looked through our website and maybe even found a few things you wanted to buy, but thought to yourself, I don’t have one of those fancy die cut machines so there is no point in buying vinyl.
Are you in the process of saving up for a Silhouette, Cricut, or another type of craft cutter but still want to cut vinyl along the way? Or, maybe you have no plans of purchasing a die cut machine but are still intrigued by the use of vinyl?
Here are two inexpensive alternatives to buying a Silhouette Cameo or Cricut craft cutter.
Alternative #1 – Sizzix Big Shot Cutting/Embossing Machine $79.99
The Big Shop Cutting and Embossing machine has been used in the scrapbooking industry for years. You can purchase (separately) thousands of different die designs or embossing folders that will cut intricate designs in your vinyl without the hefty price tag.
Alternative #2 – Fiskars Amplify Mixed Media Shears (8”) $23.99
These Fiskars mixed media shears are perfect for cutting all types of heat transfer vinyl. Don’t let others convince you the only way to cut vinyl is with an expensive machine because there are other alternatives. Let a good old-fashioned pair of scissors do the work for you.
Now let us be clear, a Silhouette or Cricut machine will make cutting vinyl a lot easier and it will give you the opportunity to create more intricate designs, but that doesn’t mean its necessary to use our product. It’s nothing a little creativity won’t fix!
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Happy shopping to our HTV World ladies!